Dear Valued Customer,
On behalf of Town & Country Industries I’d like to thank you for your business and for the opportunity to serve you in 2008. We truly value our relationship with you.
I am pleased to announce an upcoming change for Town & Country Industries / T&C Metals. On Saturday, January 31st 2009, we will be switching to a new operating system (AS400) that will improve our service. We began developing transition plans back in August 2008, in an effort to make this change as invisible and painless as possible. As we get closer to the target date, we will update you with additional information. We also have a link on our website dedicated to the transition.
Listed below are a few of the changes you can expect to see from this transition:
Easy to read delivery tickets.
The assigned number on the delivery ticket will be the same number used for your invoice and statement, if you have credit terms with us.
Simplified order entry system - (POS - Point of Sale) for T&C staff. This will assist in getting you in and out of our branches faster.
Single unit of measure – All products will have only one unit of measure. This unit of measure will be used for selling, purchasing and pricing.
- Example: Currently we sell by the each and price by the lineal foot on most Patio shapes, in AS400 we will sell by the each and price by the each.
- Instead of $1.35 per foot for a 24’ piece of 2X2, it will show $32.40 per each in AS400
Sell prices – All SKU’s will have a maximum of 2 decimal places to the right of the decimal point.
Quantity Field – All quantities will consist of whole numbers only, and we will use the following rounding formula: (.49 or below is rounded down & .50 or above is rounded up).
- Example: Quantity of 252.46 square feet of roof pans will be charged @ 252 square feet
- Example: Quantity of 159.85 square feet of roof pans will be charged @ 160 square feet
Finance Charges – For all Net Accounts, finance charges will begin to accumulate on the 31st day after invoicing, and such finance charges will be assessed for any past due amounts greater than $0.99.
Pricing – The method of pricing is extremely different in the AS400 system compared to our current system. Therefore, on January 31st we will preform a price realignment on all products. It is our intent to have all pricing “Market Based”, and ensure not only a high level of service, but also a competitive price for the same level of service. Your local branch associate will be able to print out your new price sheets effective Monday, February 2, 2009.
If at any time you have a question regarding this change, please feel free to contact your local branch. If you’re in need of a more detailed explanation, please call our toll-free hotline at (800) 786-1210 ext: 2551.
Kurt M. LaCkore – Managing Director